Petrosul International Inc.  
  Tuesday October 8th, 2024  


Petrosul has the most experienced team in the sulphur marketing business.

David D.H. Lim - President
(B. Commerce, Chartered Accountant)
Experience in finance, marketing and management since 1976, joined Petrosul in 1980.

Andrew F. Butt - Senior Vice President Marketing and Business Development
(B. Economics, LLB)
Experience in international sulphur marketingsince 1985, joined Petrosul in 1997.

Shane Dickson - Vice President Supply
Joined Petrosul in 2009. Prior to this, 6 years experience in Western Canadian and International sulphur forming and handling with Enersul and 4 years experience in transportation with CP Rail.

Jaime McInnes - Vice President Finance
Experience in accounting and finance since 1991, joined Petrosul in 1994.

Richard Lim - Controller
Experience in accounting and finance since 2011, joined Petrosul in 2023.

Frauke M. Meyer - Sales Manager
(Operations Management Diploma)
Experience in sales, logistics and inventory management since 1989, joined Petrosul in 1991.

Matt Watson - Manager Supply & Operations
Joined Petrosul in 2023.  Over 16 years of experience in Potash and Oil and Gas Industries.  Experience includes supply chain, logistics and operational roles.

Christopher Lim - IT & Communications Manager
(B. Technology)
Joined Petrosul in 2018. Experience in IT and DevOps since 2012.


Contact Us

Calgary Office:
#860, 505-3rd Street S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 3E6

Phone: (403) 262-8774


Vancouver Office:
#200, 1080 Mainland St.
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2T4

Phone: (604) 689-8288

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